Ingredients: Lemon, water and stevia
Direction for manual juicing:
Wash lemon.
Slice in half and remove seeds.
Twist into manual citrus juicer and transfer to a clean glass or bottle.
Scrape pulp and add to juice if you want some fiber.
Add water and stevia to taste.
Direction for Electric juicing:
Wash lemon.
Peel skin, cut in quarters and remove seeds.
Process in juicer.
Add water and stevia to taste.
Health Benefits:
Aids in digestion (citric acid)
Smoothens wrinkles (vitamins C)
Keeps acne away (alkaline components)
Take good care of the heart (potassium)
Helps fight osteoporosis (vitamin C)
Removes uric acid in joints, a main cause of inflammation (citric acid)
Improves the immune system (hesperitin, naringenin)
Healthy Juices by Arlene May Gealone-Corpus
