Ingredient: Frozen avocado flesh, water
Put frozen avocado and water in blender and process until smooth
Health Benefits:
Supports blood pressure levels(potassium)
Reduces the risk for cataract and macular degeneration(lutein, zeaxanthin)
Is a weight loss-friendly food (high in fiber, low in carb)
Improves cardiovascular system (oleic acid)
Regulates blood sugar (fiber acid)
Lower blood cholesterol levels (beta-sitosterol)
Reverse insulin resistance ( monounsaturated)
Helps prevent neural tube defects and spina bifida (folate)
Boosts the immune system ( glutathione)
Note: You may use evaporated milk, instead of water. Another alternative is soymilk, but you may have to add stevia to sweeten the smoothie lightly.
Healthy Juices by Arlene May Gealone-Corpus
