Turn back around the tower but instead of Elden Ring Runes returning to the rooftop where your battle with the stormhawk was, you will want to jump onto the roof that is adjacent to it, with the pillar that is crumbling on it. It is recommended to use that pillar to climb to the ledge over you, then climb up to it and you'll discover another roof that can be climbed.
This roof is teeming with soldiers, so be cautious when you walk up to it. I suggest starting by killing a sleeping soldier on the right, then going behind the tower to secure yourself from three crossbow soldiers on the left. You should let them approach you and kill them one at a time. Once they're dead, take a climb to the tower to loot you the Claw Talisman.
Retrace the ladder and repeat your steps all the way back to your roof. You will see the crumbling pillar on it. You'll see an opening between this rooftop and the one in which you fought the stormhawk. Heal to full HP then you will be able to descend to the below courtyard where you will find the Stonesword Key door and a Somber Smithing Stone [2]. Utilize your Stonesword Key you recently got to unlock the door, however beware of the two axemen waiting inside. Let them go into buy Elden Ring Runes the courtyard, one by one for those who need room to dodge around. The slam attacks they use are extremely quick, so you'll be able to easily bnehind them, and make a backstab. Within the room you'll discover an Hawk Crest Wooden Shield, Misericorde, along with the Iron Whetblade.